July 2nd, 1848 (Sunday)

July 2, 2010

Sewell came out. Says that Dr Woolley told him he had heard that the discipline had deteriorated at Stackallan; – which only confirmed our own strong impressions. Indeed I all along knew how it would be.

Says, too, that someone has written a flaming account of our ‘Gaude’ to Durham; – and that Dr Pusey is very grateful for our attentions to his son. Mentioned that one of the masters of Marlborough, who was here yesterday, is determined to use his influence with Mr Wilkinson to get up choral service there, being so struck with the effect of it here. Thus we hope to influence other schools, and so to affect the education of England.

Had a long talk with Reynolds, – told him how much I was pleased with his improvement, and gave a good deal of affectionate advice, suitable to his age and case. I have become greatly attached to him, and I do hope he will turn out a good man. Still I fear moral weakness a little.

Have had also a talk with Elliot, – and intend to see all the elder boys privately and singly.

The result of the examination which began on Friday is very satisfactory; – scholarship is decidedly advanced. In fact, all the boys are unquestionably improved in every respect, for which God make us thankful.

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